Elliott Wagner


Elliott Wagner



I am a software engineer at Apple. Previously I was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Kansas State University. Previously I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation at the University of Amsterdam.

My research focuses on the foundations of game and decision theory. In particular, I am interested in connections between evolutionary or learning dynamics and static equilibrium concepts. Much of my work has involved computer simulations of complex systems.

I completed my PhD in the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of California, Irvine. I have a BS in Computer Science from Columbia University.

Demos (of philosophically interesting complex systems)

Network structure and bandit problems
A community of Bayesian learners attempts to learn which arm of a multi-arm slot machine has the greatest payout rate. How does the community's social structure--i.e., who sees whose payoffs at the slot machine--impact its ability to learn?

Two-strategy games on a lattice
Agents are spatially arrayed on a 2-D grid. They play a game with their neighbors, and more prosperous players are more likely to spread their strategy type. What is the system's long-run behavior?

A comparison of three learning dynamics in Zeeman's game
Agents are drawn from a large population and paired at random to play a three-strategy game. How does the population change over time according to three different mean-field learning dynamics?